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Read Jaxon Pena’s poem “torched”

first-place winner in the English Department’s Poetry Contest
Jaxon Pena
Jaxon Pena
Meet Jaxon


Hometown: Steger, IL

Personal/academic plans: pursuing a psychology phd and to become a therapist and explore the world.

Hobbies/interests: skateboarding, writing, making music

Favorite writers: Donna Tartt – her novel “the secret history” is my all time favorite and inspired me a bunch.


sonnet #2


 A warmth and hunger pump through my veins

 I am fed by your passion and desire

 used to feel as if I was locked in chains

 when in your presence, you take me higher


 as with my heart, you have taken the reins

my mind filled heavy, it’s built its own choir

 you silence my weeps and heal all my pains

 I hear the bells and envision this growing fire


 beaming through my body and all that contains

 a burning passion that is torched on fire

 a blissful life and serenity that stains

 any scenario without you, in advance I retire


 any path I might take, your company is desired

 together we roam and watch fate transpire

What Jaxon says about “torched”

“Torched” is my heartfelt expression of the intense passion and longing I went through. I wrote it during a time when my feelings were incredibly strong, capturing the overwhelming emotions and deep connection I felt. When you truly love someone and feel that same love in return, it feels like there’s a giant fire growing inside of you. This poem channels that fiery energy, depicting how love can both liberate and consume, creating a profound sense of unity and destiny with another person.

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